Miyerkules, Oktubre 19, 2016

May Day Eve Analysis

                      As the story opens we are at a ball in a fine hacienda. The ball is in honor of a group of young men who have just returned from Spain after being educated there, as was the custom for the upper class. The young women at the ball are very excited to be there knowing their future husbands will probably come from this group. Now the story gets more interesting as an old servant woman tells the firls if they look in a cetain mirror at just right time, they will see trheir future husband.

                Agueda’s character, is truly capable of making rushed decisions, as we can see Agueda is rebellious, ready for anything, and clearly shes not thinking things over and just like that, she pushes forward but under that brave face, there is a coward lying underneath. She might as well have motivated herself rather than believing that there are no more devils; her face turning pale gave it away. She is afraid yet she still moves on, unsure of what will happen. Badoy, on the other hand, happens to be drunk that night. So most probably Badoy does not know what hes doing that night; hes not thinking straight; hes not in the right state of mind.Agueda rushes with flickering indecisions, while Badoy is drunk; and there you have it, their love is that of a raging infatuation, no depth, no strong foothold, a mere love at first sight scenario.

                But, alas, the heart forgets; the heart is distracted; and May time passes; summer ends; the storms break over the hot-ripe orchards and the heart grows old; while the hours, the days, the months, and the years pile up and pile up, till the mind becomes too crowded, too confused: dust gathers in it; cobwebs multiply; the walls darken and fall into ruin and decay; the memory perished.Longafter their midnight event, both of them realized that they made a mistake of following their first impulse about love; they both forgot how they loved each other. And the result?A very bitter marriage.Agueda recounts her experience to her daughter and she goes on to describe her husband as the Devil himself; and what she saw before is different from what she sees now.

            Agueda said that the man she saw in that mirror is a man with a black, elegant mustache, and fine clothes and flashing eyes. But, the Badoy she sees now, she describes as a man with a dirty, graying, and smelling horribly of tobacco.Thats a sure sign that her love did not last. But dont think Badoy ever had a true love for Agueda. He also recounts his experience this time, to his grandson, describing the woman he marriedas the witch.Well, Badoy was still pretty kind by describing Agueda as "the most beautiful creature he has ever seen; but he retracts by saying that he was bewitched and tortured by this woman. Describing their partners as the Devil or a witch will be more or less the same as saying that what they saw in their partners was only the surface value; and what they eventually maybe alittle too late saw inside was a dark and terrible soul, which is also another proof of the empty love going on in their lives.

                They believed they would either be the face of the man who will be her husband or the devil. When that night Dona Agueda decides to do as that, a man, Don Badoy, comes and interrupts her by trying to charm her and asking for a dance with her. Don Badoy forces her to dance but she cries so the man regrets but when she says "Let me go", he does not and says to her " say you forgive me first." She bites the Don Badoy's hand and Don Badoy tries to slap her but she was already gone. Don Badoywishes for revenge but at the same time he fell in love with her making him wish to see her again but he still wanted his revenge. Time passed by and Don Badoy was over 60 and he had forgotten that night. His grandson decided to do as Don Agueda had done but stopped by Don Badoy. He told his grandson to stop for he would just see a witch in the mirror as he was referring to Dona Agueda.

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